We believe that hard work will take us far. We believe that taking care of our business — and personal — relationships makes us happier and stronger. We believe that working together will get us further than working alone. We believe that success will be rewarded. We believe in ourselves. We believe that creativity and out-of-the-box thinking is key. We believe in potential. Mostly, we believe in our clients…and their belief in us.
whether it's a new businesswhose growth needs to be strategically mapped and executed, or an existing brand that needs to be refreshed and redirected, CryBaby Public Relations has proven success time and again. Whether you’re new to the possibilities of PR and integrated marketing or have had less-than-positive prior experiences...welcome to the future of your business.
You see this spirit at every stage of our work. Our first phase of interaction with a new client is all about understanding what it is that you want to achieve, to create, to become. We choose to work exclusively with clients in whose consumer-focused products and services we truly believe.
For phase two, we make it our mission to align your communications around that goal. This starts with strategy. We never, ever say: “Let’s just do it like we did it for that last client.” We believe it is part of our job to be avid media consumers. To stay on top of trends. To know what’s happening in the world. We are creative, out-of-the-box thinkers who take pride in our ability to develop cost-effective, targeted public relations programs and initiatives that all circle back to support your brand.
And phase three, well, that’s when we share your potential with the world. We believe in quality over quantity. As a consumer PR firm, we only suggest ideas and opportunities that support your desired brand. You know as well as we do, there’s an opportunity cost for everything we say “yes” to; so, we do our best to only say “yes” when it truly makes sense.
Media Relations
Many confuse the subspecialty of media relations with the umbrella term that is public relations. Perhaps that’s because many people — us included — firmly believe that editorial coverage in a third-party media outlet — whether print, broadcast or digital — is the most valuable marketing tool available. Why? Well, we believe that a strategic public relations effort built around editorial coverage can position a company, build a brand in the most cost-effective and impactful way possible.
To break through today’s oversaturated (and understaffed) media marketplace, we are constantly thinking outside-of-the-box to “create” news, form strategic partnerships and develop the necessary angles we need in order to get our clients’ stories placed.
Oh, and we also don’t abide by the common perception that traditional media relations is all about “who you know.” That’s not to say we don’t have contacts — of course we do. But, in our opinion, it’s more about knowing our client’s strengths, carefully targeting a truthful and well-crafted pitch and being respectful — yet persistent — in our outreach.
Social Media
In today’s world, we have an unprecedented number of ways to raise awareness and shape opinions of our clients. Our social media services can help build your brand’s reputation by engaging directly with the consumer.
Thirty years ago it was easy. There were three TV channels, a few radio stations, a well-respected daily or two and a handful of magazines. Fast forward to today, where there are hundreds of television channels, satellite radio, niche publications and, of course, the Internet.
What does this mean? We have gone from the business of shouting to the business of fostering ongoing conversations about your brand. In a nutshell, it comes down to the fact that engaging consumers is no longer a one-way conversation.
It’s about providing experiences instead of messages, and instilling some kind of value exchange in the process. It’s giving consumers the power to be brand ambassadors, and letting them share the gospel of your beliefs and vision. It’s about transparency, transparency, transparency. Today’s consumers expect to be involved, engaged and invited to participate in the conversation around your brand. Whether we help you develop your company’s blog, monitor your twitter followers or develop a campaign rooted in the social media space, we have the ideas and the resources that can help your brand compete in today’s complex world.
CryBaby Production Services
Deliver client messages quickly and accurately to the media in a way that can be monitored and measured. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of press releases helps to increase search engine rankings and drive website traffic (additional fee if needed)
Create and monitor the client’s business profile in a way that is visibly appealing, encourages client-customer interaction and increases word-of-mouth recommendations. Manage advertising campaigns and special promotions to further increase branding and an interactive fan base. CryBaby Productions will be placing photos and videos on your facebook pages.
Devise and manage the client’s business account on the micro-blogging site, which is used to broadcast the latest news and blog posts, interact with customers, enable group communication, and build strong relationships with people the client may otherwise have no way of getting in touch with.
Advise on general business practices, market trends, opportunities, marketing communications strategy, crisis and issues management, event/promotion planning, vendor partnerships and media interviews. (Any calls coming in to promote your restaurant whether it be advertising or publicity would be handled by CryBaby Productions.
In business, as in life, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so allow us to introduce ourselves. CryBaby Production solves all of your communication needs from traditional media outreach and event planning, to video creation and social media. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or Fortune 500 Company, our team understands the nuances of business and will provide your brand with the most innovative ways in which to increase awareness. Our name is a direct result of what we achieve for our partners.
Now, more than ever, it is imperative for companies and individuals to position themselves ahead of the competition during this time of economic uncertainty. Our communication solutions are designed to fit any budget.
In House Public Pelations Services for Restaurants-
Below are services that We would provide:
Brand or Company Banner featured in the online Magazine Cognac's Corner Magazine
Article written in Cognac's Corner Magazine and https://popimpresskajournal.org/
Producing a 30 second internet commercial. The video will be featured on youtube and placed on the Restaurants facebook fan page.
Business card ad in Cognac's Corner Magazine.
Your commercial will also be promoted on facebook, twitter and youtube establishing your company's brand high on the search engines helping your brand with its organic search
Distribution of business cards and brochures about your brand and company at events
Public Relations for the Restaurant including ideas promoting the restaurant such as fashion events, filmmakers events and celebrity interviews at the Restaurant.
New Years Eve Celebration
Managing Restaurants facebook page weekly with photos, promotional ideas, videos and weekly networking events.
Our mission is to build client reputations and revenues. We do this through strategic and creative thinking, deep media relationships, social media savvy and client partnering.
For more Restaurants Please visit: http://www.cognacscornermag.com/Fine-Dining-Restaurants.html
CryBaby Productions LLC, and Cognacscornermag.com can customize any package. Please call the office at (516) 425-1924 or e-mail us at dabigboss302@aol.com or if you are interested in our public relations capabilities or promoting your business on our online magazine and the longislandexchange.com or to discuss any additional promotional ideas you may have.